Linkedin - How to change your profile URL

This is an essential LinkedIn tip that every person should implement immediately: create a unique LinkedIn profile URL.
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A custom URL allows you to use your LinkedIn profile as a branding and lead generation tool.

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Your default URL for LinkedIn contains a lot of numbers and characters. This is not very user friendly and can be difficult to share with your network. The main purpose of LinkedIn is to allow others to find you quickly and easily and then connect with them.

A custom URL on LinkedIn can help with SEO on search engines like Google and Bing. To set up a custom URL, you'll need to set up your public LinkedIn profile turn on. This is scanned by search engines and helps you, to be discovered organically.

How to create your LinkedIn URL

It's easy to set up a LinkedIn profile URL. LinkedIn has over 650 million users. Here's what your personalized LinkedIn profile URL will look like.

(Using your name instead of the above wording, of course).

You can change the URL of your public profile from your desktop.

  1. Click the "Me" icon at the top right of your LinkedIn home page and click View Profile.
  2. Click Public Profile and Edit URL in the right pane.
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  1. Click the "Edit" icon next to your public profile URL under "Edit your custom URL" in the right panel.
  2. Enter the part of the new URL in the text field.
  3. Click Save.
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To change your public profile URL for your mobile device

  1. Click on your profile picture.
  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Select the 👁 Visibility option
  1. In the Profile and Network Visibility menu item, select "Edit your public profile". The settings page for the public profile opens.
  2. Tap the Edit icon in the Edit URL section next to your public profile URL.
  3. Type the last part of the new URL in the text box.

LinkedIn advises that you can change the URL of your public profile. On a first-come basis, custom public profile URLs are available. Only one member can use the same custom public profile URL have.

Here are some other points to consider:

  • You can use 5-30 numbers or letters in your custom URL. Use spaces, symbols or special characters sparingly

  •  LinkedIn recommends that you use a variation of your name or professional brand, as this URL will be used by others to see your LinkedIn profile. The URL of your LinkedIn profile may be required on some job applications. It's a good idea to add it to your resume

  • The customizable part of the URL is not case sensitive. JohnWeber, johnweber or johnWeber all point to the same profile

  • Please select a different URL if the URL you are looking for is not available. Members cannot request custom URLs

  • Your URL can be changed up to five times in six months. After you change your URL five times, you can't change it again for six months. It can be difficult to find you if your URL is changed multiple times

  • It's a good idea to do a company-wide analysis of each employee's LinkedIn URL. Then you can give a training/handout explaining how employees can personalize it. Encourage everyone to include the URL in their email signatures and bios. Your LinkedIn URL should be displayed wherever your name or face appears

It's easy to change the URL of your LinkedIn profile. Do it now in just a few steps.

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