More traffic or more conversions?

Increasing conversion rates is the key to success in online marketing.
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Conversions or traffic

Why conversion rates are more important than traffic and vice versa. This is the age of the internet and you as a website owner need to take this into account. You should understand that without visitor numbers, no sales can be made. However, in the end, it is the conversion rates that bring in the sales. Conversion is the most important aspect of making money online.

It may come as a surprise that online businesses fail in large part because they do not have a targeted Plan for the conversion have. You may be asking yourself, "Why is that?" Let's first define the difference between conversion and traffic. Why you should focus on conversion and not on traffic.

Why is the conversion rate so important?

When you talk about sales, it's about making purchases and getting paid for those sales. We need traffic to make those sales, but we cannot make those sales if there is not also a conversion component. It may be that a person comes to your online business for free, but that is probably the least of your worries. You won't make money until you do some kind of marketing, advertising or promotion.

The conversion rates you see may also look good, but they are misleading. And why? Because the Most traffic sources won't get you far in the world of sales. In fact, most traffic sources pale in comparison to what is required for conversion rates.

The conversion rate influences your profit

Why is that? Everything revolves around conversion. The more sales within a certain period of time, the more money you make. This means that if traffic is not converted into sales, you lose money. Money is not something you should keep away from your business. It is vital to the survival of your business. Poor conversion rates can cause you to lose even more money. You need to find ways to improve your Increase conversion rates.

More traffic or more conversions

But don't forget the traffic completely

This does not mean that you should never pay for traffic. There are many ways to get free traffic. For example, there are article directories where you can submit articles and in many cases you get the right to put a link to your website in the author's resource box. This traffic is organic and may not convert, but it costs you absolutely nothing. You should always try to use this traffic as it has a low conversion rate and is free.

Pay attention to the conversion rate

The next question you need to ask yourself is why you should focus on conversion rate and not traffic. Why is traffic so much more important? Traffic sources are often uncharted territory for internet marketers. If you don't already know what everyone else is doing, you don't want to develop your own products. However, the real money in the internet world is made when you know how to sell other people's products. This can take some time, but with hard work and dedication, you can master the concept.

You should now focus on conversion rates rather than traffic. You want people to click on your affiliate links and buy your products. That's the goal, and there are ways to increase traffic to your website without necessarily promoting those products. All you need is an understanding of the internet and tools to help you achieve your goals.

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