SEO Agency for
more visitors  more customers more sales more traffic

Become better known and more successful with search engine optimization

As an SEO agency, we make sure that you are found in search engines. For this we focus first on the most important search engines Google and Bing. With a market share of over 90% Google has already made it in 2004 with googling managed the entry in the Duden. As a result, on the one hand we target the largest of all search engines with SEO measures and at the same time do not neglect the small ones.And while in the early days a string of keywords and link farms were still sufficient, the Search Algorithms have become real artificial intelligences that want to deliver the most relevant and reliable information. Therefore, stringing together keywords and link farms is far from enough today. As an SEO agency, we make your website more relevant for customers and search engines.
seo agency

More leads

Become more visible and attractive to your customers with good content and optimized landing pages.

seo agency

More Sales

Convey a good feeling to your visitors and convince them as an expert in your industry. This is how interested parties become paying customers.

seo agency

More traffic

Good SEO increases your relevance for the search engine, which in turn brings you more traffic. At the same time, we fine-tune your landing pages and position you better.

Our search engine optimization increases your ranking

Quantity was yesterday. Key factors for a good ranking today are quality and relevance of your website.

With targeted search engine optimization, we reach your customers exactly where they are looking: On Google, Bing & Co. For this, we use SEO strategies that position your website sustainably and make it visible in the long term. This includes, for example, OnPage improving the user experience, OffPage linking your site from external sources and presenting your business for local search results. After all, SEO is a complex combination of word and data analysis, keyword and search intent matching, technical implementation, and the best results having a high E-A-T score. So expertise, authority and trustworthiness are the three cornerstones that determine a good SERP ranking.

As your new SEO agency, it's our job to highlight your expertise, authority and trustworthiness online. So that customers find you.

Increase content relevance - with OnPage SEO

seo agency

Search engine optimization starts on your page (OnPage). For this we take your page under the microscope under technical, content and structural aspects. We ask ourselves with which keyword (!) and semantically related terms the page should rank, which meta tags are well received by visitors, which titles and descriptions optimally describe your performance, which user experiences work and much more importantly at which point breaks in the user experience exist. As an SEO agency, we look at all this, follow search engine crawlers on the paths of your website and create a suitable content concept for you.

So that you deliver the best search result.

Increase awareness on the web - with OffPage SEO


Links are the recommendations of the internet. The more references exist and the more widely they are spread, the better the reputation and thus the ranking. At least as long as they are good links. Because strong backlinks are another important ranking factor for Google, Bing & Co. In contrast, bad links, coming from a "dark" corner, drag down your reputation and ranking. Again, social signals and a blog can positively feed into your expertise, authority and trustworthiness. That's why we analyze your website's link profile and take corrective action in the most important places. So that your online reputation becomes spotless.

SEO Agency - Increase awareness with Offpage SEO

Win customers locally - with Local SEO

SEO Agency - Win customers locally with Local SEO

Local search queries make up a large part of the search volume. There is no longer a nationwide or worldwide ranking. Just as petrol prices vary according to location, search engines always deliver a regionally weighted search result. If you are ranked number 1 in Cologne, you do not necessarily have to be ranked number 1 in the search results from Bonn. The location of the search and the location of your business have become an important ranking factor. With a professional Google Business appearance, you will also be listed prominently in local searches and in Google Maps. 

Perspective planning - with brains and strategy SEO


Only strategically planned SEO measures are successful in the long term! While operational SEO-, implements the optimization measures derived from our analyses, strategic SEO is about your fundamental and perspective planning. Should your website inform, sell or both? Who are your target groups? What geographic focus makes sense? We analyze internal and external factors, your keywords as well as on- and off-page structure, your competition, their rankings, link structure as well as professional strengths and weaknesses. A good SEO strategy combines SEA measures and relies on a good web design. Finally, user behavior and how your users interact with your content is also an important ranking factor. 

We increase your visibility and awareness on the web.

SEO Agency - Perspective planning with brains and strategy SEO

SEO agency for your success

What good is the most beautiful website if no one can find it? We link your most important online marketing channels and thereby increase your success.

We use your budget in a targeted manner and avoid wastage through our analytical expertise. We are more than a classic online marketing agency and develop solutions for your business model. Only in this way can we provide you and your customers with the greatest possible benefit from your campaigns.

By taking this multi-dimensional view, we often find additional starting points to grow your customer base.

SEO analyses

You want to generate visitors, win customers, generate sales and have a professional appearance on the Internet.

Ongoing monitoring

For a professional appearance, the usual homepage construction kits are not enough. We offer your customers the web presence that you want and that suits you.

Organic growth

We analyse visitor behaviour and make adjustments at the crucial points. After all, the user experience of your customers should not be disturbed by anything. We prove our success with numbers, data and facts.

We work with






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Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00

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Michael Korbik Online Strategist
Michael Korbik
Online Strategist

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